Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I think I found a Match for Debby Downer

When I first saw this guy's picture I thought, could it be Screech? Sounds like the story of his life. Fo' sho.

JDate, New York, NY

The other night i went downtown to meet up with some friends at a karoake bar. Not my type of scene...in fact I dread a karaoke bar for the simple fact that i could eventually be forced to sing a song that should have remained in the 70's. But I digress, I walk out and what was my punishment for going to a karaoke bar? My car got totalled while parked on the street. That sums my life up in a nutshell. Everything I do, no matter how I hard I work and how good things can get, somethin completely freaky and unexplainable happens that derails me............so be it

*play Debby Downer music* Not really convincing me it is a good idea to date this guy, much less be within 500 feet of him...

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