Saturday, August 8, 2009

I take it she's into role playing.

From OkCupid New Orleans, LA

I was born and raised on the war field of middle earth, changing field dressings and charming bandages with my mother, a native of Rivendell. I worked years there before deciding that I needed to see more of the world than the carnage of those last battles, and so I missed the last boat to sail away into the sunset while trying to find my purpose in life.Having somewhat of a knack with music, I decided that the best course of action was probably to make my living that way, and I got this great little set-up on an island near greece, dressing up like a bird-woman and singing sailors to sleep. Funny how they seem to crash on the rocks sometimes... I didn't realize my voice was so soothing. A friend of mine in a similar profession, Lorelei I believe, told me that I was selling myself short living on a tiny island and so, taking the spirit of adventure to heart, I decided to see the world.I've been travelling since then, wandering the realms of fantasy and imagination to wile away eternity. Last week I had tea with my buddy Catherine from Russia (very proud of her horse, that one) and I think next week I'll take a long weekend to get a tan on Arakis... This dashing fellow Duncan Idaho called me, and i just can't tell him no! Gods above, that man is fantastic. Don't you just wish you could take the good men in this world and clone them so everyone could have one? He'd sure be the top of my list...

She says she is from New Orleans, but I'm not sure she and I even live on the same planet, much less in the same city.

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